New York has always been in my dreams ever since I can remember. Last year, I set out to do something I’d always dreamt of but never had the chance to: explore the Big Apple on my own.
The city that never sleeps inspires so many people because of the amount of things we can find in one place. As soon as I got off the plane, I looked out the airport doors, saw all the snow falling, and the streets full of yellow cabs I thought: this will be quite an adventure! It certainly was.
Being on my own was the best because I got to do all the (sometimes silly) things I wanted to, such as walking around the Village looking for the building used on “Friends”, or going to the cinema to watch a film just because I like the leading actress, without having to worry whether someone else would want to do that or not.
It’s also an opportunity to do things you probably wouldn’t if there were acquaintances around (such as walk with your mouth open and your tongue out trying to taste snow :P).
However, what really made those days memorable was the fact that I could merge into the culture of the place and experience its day-to-day life as it is. And that was only possible because I can speak their language. Here’s a snippet of what it was like to be in the Big Apple by myself.
The city that never sleeps inspires so many people because of the amount of things we can find in one place. As soon as I got off the plane, I looked out the airport doors, saw all the snow falling, and the streets full of yellow cabs I thought: this will be quite an adventure! It certainly was.
Being on my own was the best because I got to do all the (sometimes silly) things I wanted to, such as walking around the Village looking for the building used on “Friends”, or going to the cinema to watch a film just because I like the leading actress, without having to worry whether someone else would want to do that or not.
It’s also an opportunity to do things you probably wouldn’t if there were acquaintances around (such as walk with your mouth open and your tongue out trying to taste snow :P).
However, what really made those days memorable was the fact that I could merge into the culture of the place and experience its day-to-day life as it is. And that was only possible because I can speak their language. Here’s a snippet of what it was like to be in the Big Apple by myself.
Have you had the trip of your life? Share your days with us! Post a comment!!!
Teacher Arthur - Freguesia Branch - Rio de Janeiro
it's so cool! (:
it was awesome to eat snow! :P
the place is beautiful
The photos and the story are great, i loved them. I´d like to go there :D
YE2 - freguesia RJ
The video's cool, and so is New York. We love that song!!! =D
Basic 3 - Teacher Natalia
Mygod!!! i loved ur story and also your video! i am so jealous of you right now haha
i'll confess that my huge dream is to travel to NY or LA! maybe one day i can go there: alone! obviously.
if i dont visit soon, i'll be seriously mad! haha I SWEAR!
Freguesia/Basic 5 - T. Gabi
The video is very cool!!!!!!
annelise caetano munksgaard
basic 6 -freguesia
The video is very nice, but the music is horrible!
I love waffles !!!!!!!
Matheus Serdeira
Basic 6, Freguesia Rio de Janeiro
hahahaa I WANT TO EAT SNOW TOO!! lol xD
Gabriel Machado
Basic 6, Freguesia-Rio de janeiro
Oh, cool! I wish I would go to New York one day. I hate that song! See you!
Hi love, I was just wondering...How come I've never had this clever idea of tasting snow?
Besides that...I must talk to you about the experience of being on ground 0. How did you feel?
The trip of my life, for me, is always going to be the next one... I don't know, I feel like I've never had enough! I've already posted how touching it was to see London for the very first time, but the second time I went there, it was as amazing as the first. Perhaps I'll say Paris and Rome were the trip of my life, for all the history it carries (and I love history!) and how moved I was getting there. But I hope the next one will be even better! :-)
BTW, loved the video, song included!!!
Giselle Fleury, teacher at Barra 1, RJ
It must have been funny to eat snow...I wanted to be on your shoes, I always loved New York.
Basic 5
Nice video however the music is horrible :D
Luiz Carlos - Freguesia - Rio de Janeiro.
We liked the video and the music. The places are very beautiful and interesting.
Basic 3 - Freguesia
i really want to go to NY ..i think it is a really wonderful place..all that brands..OMG!!
by the way the story and the video are really nice!!
express master 3 - teacher gabi
What I found interesting about your trip, was the fact that you were alone and free like a bird to do and to go whatever you want,
like you`ve said.
What was the taste of snow?
Guilherme and Renato
Express Master 3- Freguesia. Teacher: Gabi
we coudn`t watch the video but your story is very interesting. We agree with you that when we can speak the language the trip is much nicer!! =) We are willing to go there soon.
ps:We could meet Jennifer Aniston, call her Rachel and ask for a cup of coffe.
Isadora, Livia and Poliana
Express Master 3 - Freguesia- Teacher Gabi
I've never been to New York, but I really liked your video. Hope to go there sometime, looks really cool :P
I loved the video and the music was so cute and i want to see you speaking at the video and singing the song that you put on it.!! Larissa Perez basic 5 teacher Nathalie freguesia!!!
The places r beautiful and the song is nice !
Basic 5 - Teacher Nathalie - FREGUESIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I liked the video and the music !
Now i want to travel to NY as soon as possible !
I'm curious to know the taste of snow! hahaha
CE6- Freguesia
Nice photos... New York city is awesome. It remembers me my moments in Canada...
I really enjoyed the video, but I must say that the choice for the background song was superb. I think we should use it as the official blog's themesong, after all it's all about experiencing life, isn't it?
You´re the best! What an awesome, inspiring video! Thanks for sharing the experience with us! NYC is truly great but your video makes it look even nicer :)
Valeria (teacher at Freguesia branch)
NYC must be such a beautiful place. I intend to go there in 2011 in order to explore the Big Apple on my own.
Nice post this one of yours, Arthur. I really liked seeing the snippet you prepared.
Aurélio Araújo
Branch: 49 - Goiania SUL
Wow!!! Loved your video, man! NYC is the best, isn´t it? I´ve been there as well and I´ll never forget my first stroll in Central Park. Great place to visit!
Hey teachers! Check that!
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I´m preparing and I hope as soon as have a trip like this.
"Sometime silly", like eat snow?! Although it's strange, it's a good thing to tell people, mainly bacause it's funny to immagine. I'd really love eat some snow in NYC!!
I never dreamt about knowing New York, although I loved your video. Because, the real meaning that I can see in this video is your happiness in realize a dream. It's the most beautiful thing that we can do, fight to achieve our dreams. After doing this we feel filled of great sensation of welfare.
I really don't have a trip of my dreams, but I have other dreams that I hope to realize and someday I can share it with you. =-D
Perfect song! I agree entirely with the girl who said this could be the blog's theme song.
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