While I was a student in England there was this weekend school trip to Scotland, which is an absolutely fantastic place!!! However…
Our guide kept talking about the famous Scottish dish called ‘HAGGIS’. We (students) had no idea what it was made of, but from his excitement, it sounded exquisite.
There was this event at a club and we were taken as tourists. The Scots were trying to impress showing off their kilts and pipes. We were all dancing and having loads of fun when the music stopped and the chef brought the Haggis followed by the sound of the pipe.
After what looked like a huge ceremony the starter was served. We were finally going to taste the famous Scottish dish.
How can I put it into words? For me it tasted absolutely disgusting! I was extremely ashamed of myself, but I just couldn’t eat it. Then I whispered to my friend ‘I can’t eat it!’. Our hosts were so proud of their national food and eager to know how much we had enjoyed it. It was quite embarrassing! My friend, bless her, was even more ashamed and asked me to pass her the plate. After scolding me, she ate hers and mine, then passed me back the empty plate.
When we got back to our school I wanted to know what the haggis was made of…and when I tried to tell my friend what she had eaten (twice), she said she would never talk to me again if I told her.
Some say that some things are better untold, or unknown. I am just glad I didn’t have to eat it.
HAGGIS: a traditionally Scottish dish that consists of the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep or calf minced with spices and seasoning and boiled in the stomach of the animal.
Ana Gabriela Figueiredo - Freguesia - RJ.