'If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.'
Michael Jackson
I actually do not know whether this post will be controversial. What I do know is that I grew up listening to the Jackson 5 and to Michael Jackson's loving voice and astonishing dancing routines. Call it wrong, call it whatever you want, hats off to his brilliant/artistic/creative/musical genius.
That being said, this a tribute, not only a memorable moment I'd like to share with you. Let's not think of plastic surgery, molested children, wacko jacko. Just on how much influence this manchild has had in you. Either in his music or videos, he sure made a huge impact on many people throughout the world. The legendary king of pop is dead. And yet we'll sing his songs, we'll tell jokes on him and make fun of a true artist. Well, who's bad anyway?
Think about it and give your honest opinion: Which Michael Jackson's song is your favourite?
There's a video I'd like you all to watch!
Teacher Marcela
Recreio Branch
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Who's bad?
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Cultura teachers
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Next holidays...
next holidays we are planning to...
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Cultura teachers
Monday, 22 June 2009
Our Vacation
We are planning to:
travel to Bariloche
do nothing and after doing nothing...take a nap
hang out with our friends
go to the beach!!!
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Cultura teachers
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Plans for your July vacation
The break students - and teachers - have in July is usually short, but necessary to help move on till December.
Have you decided what you're going to do?
Share your plans with us.
Love, Thais Coutinho, Barra 2
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Cultura teachers
Sunday, 14 June 2009
The most embarrassing moment
Hi folks!
In order to keep our blog going on, we're inviting you to read and write about most embarrassing moments ever! Our first "victim" is a Plus 3 student, from Barra 1, who took the challenge of writing it down. Check it out and let us know about yours as well...
I was waiting for my dad when I saw a car that I thought was his car. The car stopped exactly next to me. I didn't have any doubt: it must be him, right? Wrong! I entered the car and put my school material on the seat. Believe it or not, when I looked at the driver, he was looking at me suprised and the girl outside the car, too. Opps! That was when I finally knew that I was in the wrong car! I was in a big trouble!! I just picked up my books and got out of the car the fastest I could, saying "sorry" repeatedly. Luckily, my dad arrived quickly!
Isabela, Plus 3, Barra 1, Rio de Janeiro
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Cultura teachers
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Valentine friends
Valentine's Day Festival has been associated with lovers since long but in present times the festival has grown beyond lovers to encompass just anyone and everyone we love.
These days, people also honor their friends, spouse, parents, children, teachers or anyone they find dear and express their love and affection for them.
"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."
"A friend is a gift you give yourself."
A Friend Is Like A Valentine
A friend is like a Valentine
Heartwarming, bringing pleasure.
Connected to good feelings,
With memories to treasure.
Seeing a special Valentine
Brings happiness to stay;
And that’s what you do, friend.
You brighten every day!
Tell us who is important for you and why does he/she make the days of your lives so special…
Teacher Claudia goes
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Cultura teachers
Different dates, tiny differences
Hello folks!!
We know it's been mentioned before that Valentine's just around the corner, but actually we would like you to share your expectations for such a special day! Well, as a huge 'Peanuts fan' I found a vey cute video to show you all. Also, there are some tiny differences apart from the date which in Brazil is celebrated on June 12th, as worldwidely, the official date is February 14th!
Valentine's Day originated in Europe as a celebration of Saint Valentine, the Saint of love. The holiday spread to America, and America extended it to many countries around the world. These countries have since developed their own unique way of celebrating the holiday based on their culture and values.
However, some countries still focus on indigenous festivals which carry the same idea of romance and love
In lieu of Valentines Day, the people of Brazil celebrates "Dia dos Namorados", that is, Boyfriend's/Girlfriend's Day on 12th June. Receiving and giving of gifts between girlfriends and boyfriends, husbands and wives is the most important tradition that is associated with this day in Brazil. The gifts include, flower, cards, chocolates, and various other gift items. These gifts differ from one another in their shapes, sizes, and color combinations.
What about you? How do you feel when it comes to celebrating this date?
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Cultura teachers
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
The Haggis

While I was a student in England there was this weekend school trip to Scotland, which is an absolutely fantastic place!!! However…
Our guide kept talking about the famous Scottish dish called ‘HAGGIS’. We (students) had no idea what it was made of, but from his excitement, it sounded exquisite.
There was this event at a club and we were taken as tourists. The Scots were trying to impress showing off their kilts and pipes. We were all dancing and having loads of fun when the music stopped and the chef brought the Haggis followed by the sound of the pipe.
After what looked like a huge ceremony the starter was served. We were finally going to taste the famous Scottish dish.
How can I put it into words? For me it tasted absolutely disgusting! I was extremely ashamed of myself, but I just couldn’t eat it. Then I whispered to my friend ‘I can’t eat it!’. Our hosts were so proud of their national food and eager to know how much we had enjoyed it. It was quite embarrassing! My friend, bless her, was even more ashamed and asked me to pass her the plate. After scolding me, she ate hers and mine, then passed me back the empty plate.
When we got back to our school I wanted to know what the haggis was made of…and when I tried to tell my friend what she had eaten (twice), she said she would never talk to me again if I told her.
Some say that some things are better untold, or unknown. I am just glad I didn’t have to eat it.
HAGGIS: a traditionally Scottish dish that consists of the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep or calf minced with spices and seasoning and boiled in the stomach of the animal.
Ana Gabriela Figueiredo - Freguesia - RJ.
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Cultura teachers
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Valentine's Day's just around the corner
Hi folks!
Here we are again, sharing the days of our lives with you all! This time, to remind you that Valentine's Day's just around the corner!!! Maybe you were not aware of that, so here we are to give you a hand!
First of all, we need to make it clear that what we call Dia dos Namorados isn't exactly what the Americans and the British refer to as Valentine's Day. Our Valentine's Day is celebrated on June 12th, which isn't the same day British and Amercians celebraste theirs. Why? This is what we selected for you in this post.
The video below briefly explains the origns of Valentine's Day. Check it out and find out why people exchange gifts such as roses and chocolate on February 14th (in USA and UK) and get yourself a nice idea for a present on June 12th as well!
Giselle Fleury, teacher at Barra 1
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Cultura teachers
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Moms never die
I always remember my mom over her sewing machine working and singing. This image has always been with me and has always taught me a lot about my mom and life in general. She left us when I was only 22. However, I consider myself the luckiest person. I have a sister who is 15 years older than I and for this reason like a mom to me. I have learned a lot from her, too. I´m a mom myself and I try really hard to be if not the same but a little like them hoping my son will one day have a nice image of me as I do of my mom.
Happy mother´s day!
Beth (Cultura Recreio)
Well as a mom and no different from all the others, here and everywhere, I'd like you to check out this video...
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Cultura teachers
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
A mother’s love is instinctual, unconditional and forever.
Hi everyone! It is officially time for us, Recreio teachers, to share some of our memorable moments with you. What can be more memorable than our mothers? As Mothers' Day is coming, we would like you all to celebrate this date with us!
'When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.' Sophia Loren
A memorable moment I had with Mom was many, many years ago. I was 6 years old and I was in my swimming lesson. I had to cross a deep 25 mts pool, swimming without a buoy. This was a challenge for me! Never had I crossed a pool before…I was terrified!
My swimming coach was angry because he was expecting me to do it. I felt hopeless.
I looked at my mom and she gave me a smile and said with a sweet voice 'My little child, I'll buy you a doll after you cross the pool'…I don’t remember if she bought the doll that day, nor can I remember whether I crossed the pool or not.But what I can clearly remember is my mom's sweetest tone of voice calming me down and comforting me. I knew she was there for me , that she cared and that she loved me . I never became a great swimmer….But my mom sweetest voice is still present everyday and I feel privileged to have her as my mom…
Mothers are the sweetest gift from Gods to us. There is no way we can ever really thank our mother for all she does for us. However, we must make it a habit to keep reminding ourselves of the various sacrifices she made while raising us. Mothers' Day is the best time to say in words how much you love and care for your mum. Make your Mother's Day bright by posting a memorable moment of your life you had with your Mom!
Teachers Cláudia and Marcela
Recreio Branch
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Cultura teachers
Saturday, 2 May 2009
The Big Day of our Life (the biggest so far...)
Teachers Chris and Gabi
Freguesia Branch - Rio de Janeiro
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Cultura teachers
Monday, 27 April 2009
The Fortnight of my Life
The city that never sleeps inspires so many people because of the amount of things we can find in one place. As soon as I got off the plane, I looked out the airport doors, saw all the snow falling, and the streets full of yellow cabs I thought: this will be quite an adventure! It certainly was.
Being on my own was the best because I got to do all the (sometimes silly) things I wanted to, such as walking around the Village looking for the building used on “Friends”, or going to the cinema to watch a film just because I like the leading actress, without having to worry whether someone else would want to do that or not.
It’s also an opportunity to do things you probably wouldn’t if there were acquaintances around (such as walk with your mouth open and your tongue out trying to taste snow :P).
However, what really made those days memorable was the fact that I could merge into the culture of the place and experience its day-to-day life as it is. And that was only possible because I can speak their language. Here’s a snippet of what it was like to be in the Big Apple by myself.
Have you had the trip of your life? Share your days with us! Post a comment!!!
Teacher Arthur - Freguesia Branch - Rio de Janeiro
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Cultura teachers
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Unforgettable Moments
I have a little book where I keep quotes that I love and somehow try to incorporate what they say in my life. I'd like to share two of them with you:
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." (John Lennon)
"Why go further and further? Look, happiness is right here." (Goethe)
I guess happiness is made by every little nice moment we have in our life. It's not something distant, concrete, to be achieved. Like this moment of my son with this gorgeous butterfly on his finger. He was a bit scared at first, but then he enjoyed it so much! Unforgettable!
I'd like to invite you to share some unforgettable moments with us too! Have a great holiday!
Thais Coutinho, Barra 2, RJ
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Cultura teachers
Monday, 20 April 2009
How do you live the days of your life?
By watching the video posted by Giselle, I reflected upon some aspects of our so called "modern life". Although love might have been the main topic of the video, for me the most striking feature was the way the boy was living his life before he met that girl. Alarm clock sets off, you wake up, have breakfast, go to work, do your job, go back home and sleep again. Until something unexpected happens...
I'd like to throw some questions for us to think about: do you sometimes feel drained by routine too? Are YOU actually living the days of your life or "being lived by them"? What could you do to make it different?
Have a great week!
Thais Coutinho, Barra 2, RJ
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Cultura teachers
Friday, 17 April 2009
Hi everyone!
It's a pleasure to be here launching the West Area Blog using such a nice theme as a trigger for interaction: DAYS OF OUR LIVES. Although the blog is designed and administrated by Cultura Inglesa teachers from the West area (namely Barra 1, Barra 2, Frequesia and Recreio), our space is open for all audiences to come and share life, good experience and great advice!
To get started, we've decided to communicate with you via love. Love in the shape of a 12-minute video that will take your breath away. Love for those who think are "unloveable", if I dare say. Love for those who wish to find it around the corner. Love for those who think it's already too late. Love... as simple as it may sound. For who on Earth has never fallen in love before?
Enjoy! And, of course, let us know you did.
Giselle Fleury, teacher at Barra 1.
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Cultura teachers